Friday, March 20, 2009

Crunch Time

I had submitted a query letter to an agency to see if they might be interested in my novel. They were, insofar as they wanted to see the first 30 pages or so. I sent those off earlier this month and sat back, expecting a wait of at least a month if not two.

She emailed me back last night, saying she enjoyed my sample pages. She wants the full manuscript.

Now, this is good news. If nothing else, this is further than I've gotten in the past. However, I'm making my final edits now, and thought I'd have enough time to do so before any manuscripts were requested. So now I'll be spending my weekend, locked away from the world, staring at my computer and polishing the whole thing up one last time. Fortunately, I've already made line edits on a printed copy, so all I have to do is make the Word copy reflect those changes.

Oh, also, I had Red Robin for the first time last night. I completely concur with the chorus which hums in the commercial. It is very hummm. So good.

1 comment:

  1. Branden, way to go. Hope you don't go crazy editing. Here's to the scramble.
